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Enferm. actual Costa Rica (Online) ; (46): 58546, Jan.-Jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1550246


Resumen Introdução: A criação de guias que unificam as demandas clínicas prevalentes em consultas de enfermagem gerontológica e, das suas respectivas intervenções, se faz presente, devido a heterogeneidade das patologias emergentes no processo de envelhecimento, que irão precisar de cuidados. Objetivo: Identificar as demandas clínicas em consultas de enfermagem gerontológica e, as intervenções implementadas pelos(as) enfermeiros(as). Método: Revisão integrativa de pesquisas originais, publicadas entre 2018 e 2022, em inglês, espanhol e português, disponíveis nas bases de dados Scopus, MEDLINE/PubMed, BIREME/LILACS/BDENF/IBECS/BVS, SciELO e Google Scholar, pelos descritores DeCS/MESH: "Idoso"; "Enfermagem no Consultório"; "Enfermagem Geriátrica" e "Geriatria". O Rating System for the Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention foi usado para determinar o nível de evidência da amostra final. Foram excluídos editoriais, estudos de revisão e artigos duplicados. A análise dos dados se deu pela leitura analítica e interpretativa, guiadas por um checklist. Resultados: Oito artigos foram selecionados e trouxeram demandas clínica tais como: o déficit no autocuidado para banho; autonegligência; fadiga; risco de integridade da pele prejudicada; desesperança; tristeza e depressão. As intervenções se relacionaram ao incentivo ao autocuidado; otimização dos medicamentos; estímulo a atividade física; cuidados com a pele; aconselhamento; musicoterapia e reabilitação psicossocial. Conclusão: Demandas clínicas atendidas nas consultas de enfermagem gerontológica possuem grande variação, com prevalência no domínio atividade/repouso, tais como intervenções voltadas para o tratamento e prevenção de doenças e ações visando a promoção da saúde, tendo o domínio comportamental mais expressivo.

Resumen Introducción: La creación de guías que unifiquen las demandas clínicas prevalentes en las consultas de enfermería gerontológica y sus respectivas intervenciones es necesaria, debido a la heterogeneidad de patologías emergentes en el proceso de envejecimiento que requerirán cuidados. Objetivo: Identificar las demandas clínicas en las consultas de enfermería gerontológica y las intervenciones implementadas por el personal de enfermería. Método: Revisión integrativa de investigaciones originales, publicadas entre 2018 y 2022, en inglés, español y portugués, en las bases de datos Scopus, MEDLINE/PubMed, BIREME/LILACS/BDENF/IBECS/BVS, SciELO y Google Scholar. Se utilizaron los descriptores DeCS/MESH: "Idoso"; "Enfermagem no Consultório"; "Enfermagem Geriátrica" e "Geriatria". Para determinar el nivel de evidencia de la muestra final, se usó el Rating System for the Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention. Además, se excluyeron los editoriales, los estudios de revisión y los artículos duplicados. Los datos se analizaron mediante lectura analítica e interpretativa, guiada por una lista de verificación. Resultados: Se seleccionaron ocho artículos que aportaron demandas clínicas como déficit en el autocuidado para el baño, autodescuido, fatiga, riesgo integridad de la piel perjudicada; desesperanza, tristeza y depresión. Las intervenciones estaban orientadas al fomento del autocuidado, la optimización de la medicación, el fomento de la actividad física, el cuidado de la piel, el asesoramiento, la musicoterapia y la rehabilitación psicosocial. Conclusión: Las demandas clínicas atendidas en las consultas de enfermería gerontológica son muy variadas, con predominio en el dominio actividad/reposo, como intervenciones dirigidas al tratamiento y prevención de enfermedades y acciones dirigidas a la promoción de la salud, siendo más expresivo el dominio conductual.

Abstract Introduction: The creation of guidelines that unify the prevalent clinical demands from gerontological nursing consultations and their corresponding interventions are necessary due to the heterogeneity of emerging pathologies in the aging process that will require nursing care. Objective: To identify clinical demands in gerontological nursing consultations and the interventions implemented by nurses. Method: An integrative review of original research published from 2018 and 2022, in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, in Scopus, MEDLINE/PubMed, BIREME/lilacs/BDENF/IBECS/VHL, SciELO, and Google Scholar databases, using the DeCS/MESH descriptors: "Elderly", "Nursing in the Office", "Geriatric Nursing", and "Geriatrics". The Rating System for the Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention was used to determine the level of evidence of the final sample. Editorials, review studies, and duplicate articles were excluded. The data were analyzed by analytical and interpretative reading, guided by a checklist. Results: Eight articles were selected that showed clinical demands such as deficits in self-care for bathing, self-negligence, fatigue, risk of damaged skin integrity, hopelessness, sadness, and depression. Interventions were related to encouraging self-care, medication optimization, encouragement of exercise, skin care, counseling, music therapy, and psychosocial rehabilitation. Conclusion: There are many different clinical demands in gerontological nursing consultations, especially associated with the domain of activity/rest. These include interventions to treat and prevent diseases, and actions aimed at health promotion, in most cases associated with the behavioral domain.

Aging , Patient-Centered Care/methods , Geriatric Nursing/methods , Guideline
An. bras. dermatol ; 99(1): 19-26, Jan.-Feb. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527709


Abstract Background: There are few studies dedicated to the characterization of the geriatric population with psoriasis, which has particularities in terms of clinical manifestations and therapeutic limitations. As psoriasis is a chronic disease, presenting a higher prevalence with age, the increase in life expectancy in Brazil demands knowledge about the behavior of the disease among the elderly. Objectives: To characterize elderly people with psoriasis from a tertiary service, from the clinical-epidemiological point of view, presence of comorbidities, physical frailty, and affective impact, and to compare these aspects with adults with psoriasis and elderly people without the disease. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 64 elderly patients with psoriasis, 64 adults with psoriasis, and 64 elderly patients without the disease. Clinical-demographic aspects, the Beck depression scale, and Skindex-16 were evaluated. Indicators of physical frailty were evaluated in elderly patients: handgrip, sit-to-stand test, fatigue, and weight loss >5%. Results: In the elderly, the mean age (SD) of psoriasis onset was 44 (10) years, men represented 47% of the sample, the prevalence of arthritis was 22%, and ungual involvement occurred in 72%. Topical corticosteroids were used more often among elderly people with psoriasis (100%) than among adults with the disease (86%), with no difference among other systemic treatments. Diabetes mellitus occurred in 30% of the elderly. Hypertension (59%), dyslipidemia (52%), depression (34%), and fatigue (59%) were more prevalent among the elderly with psoriasis than among the healthy controls.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 48(1): e003, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529765


Resumo Introdução: Atualmente o Brasil mostra um expressivo aumento da sobrevida e consequente elevação do número de idosos na sua população. Do ponto de vista de propostas para a melhoria da qualidade de vida deles, a sexualidade deve ser compreendida a partir do princípio holístico, não somente do fator biológico. Nesse cenário, novas reflexões de profissionais da saúde tornam-se indispensáveis para o planejamento de ações específicas, objetivando a atenção integral à saúde do idoso. Relato de experiência: O presente relato de experiência traz o início de um diálogo com acadêmicos de Medicina de uma universidade pública sobre a complexidade da sexualidade e infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST) em idosos, buscando identificar o conhecimento desses discentes sobre o assunto e idealizar propostas de ação ao público-alvo. Para isso, estruturou-se uma estratégia de ensino-aprendizagem cuja abordagem consistiu na adaptação e aplicação da metodologia do Arco de Maguerez para o debate sobre IST no contexto da saúde pública brasileira, o qual foi realizado com base nas diretrizes do ensino remoto emergencial. Nossos resultados vão de encontro à literatura que visa compreender as representações sociais acerca da sexualidade dos idosos. Neles, verificou-se que as representações sociais acerca da sexualidade na terceira idade assemelham-se à descrição científica, apresentado similitude entre o senso comum e o conhecimento erudito. Discussão: Diante da discrepância descrita na literatura quanto aos conceitos errôneos por parte dos idosos e dos familiares e pelos profissionais de saúde acerca da sexualidade na terceira idade, são imprescindíveis a realização de campanhas e o desenvolvimento de medidas e estratégias preventivas voltadas para idosos, a fim reduzir a incidência de IST nessa comunidade. Para isso, são fundamentais estratégias de educação em saúde no ensino acadêmico e de educação profissional continuada para sedimentar os conhecimentos necessários na idealização de propostas eficazes. Conclusão: A partir da formação médica adequada e por meio da discussão dos aspectos complexos sobre o assunto, serão possíveis a construção, a implementação e a avaliação de políticas públicas de saúde para o enfrentamento das IST, de modo a diminuir as barreiras relacionadas à prevenção de doenças e à promoção de saúde sexual na população idosa.

Abstract Introduction: Brazil is currently reporting a significant increase in survival and consequent rise in its elderly population. From the point of view of proposals to improve their quality of life, sexuality should be understood from a holistic, and not just a biological, perspective. In this scenario, new reflections by health professionals become indispensable for the planning of specific actions aimed at providing comprehensive health care for the elderly. Experience report: This experience report describes the beginning of a dialogue with medical students from a public university about the complexity of sexuality and sexually transmitted infections among the elderly, seeking to identify their knowledge of the subject and devise proposals for action with the target audience. To this end a teaching-learning strategy was structured based on an approach that adapted and applied the Arc of Maguerez methodology to the debate on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the context of Brazilian public health, which was conducted out within the guidelines of emergency remote learning. Our results are in line with the literature that seeks to understand the social representations about sexuality among the elderly. It was found that the social representations about sexuality in the elderly are similar to the scientific description, with similarities between common sense and scholarly knowledge. Discussion: Given the discrepancy described in the literature regarding the misconceptions on the part of the elderly, family members and health professionals about sexuality in old age, it is essential that campaigns be conducted, and preventive measures and strategies developed for the elderly to reduce the incidence of STIs in this community. Hence, health education strategies are needed in academic teaching and continuing professional education to consolidate the knowledge required to devise effective proposals. Conclusions: Based on fit-for-purpose medical education, the discussion of complex aspects about this subject will support the construction, implementation, and evaluation of public health policies to tackle STIs, reducing barriers related to the prevention and promotion of sexual health in the elderly population.

Dement. neuropsychol ; 18: e20230083, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550223


ABSTRACT Dementia poses a significant societal and health challenge in the 21st century, with many hospitalized patients experiencing dementia without a documented diagnosis. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of dementia and its associated risk factors among older patients admitted to hospitals. Methods: The study included older patients (≥ 60 years) admitted to medical departments of a general hospital in three major Iranian cities. Researchers utilized the Activities of Daily Living-Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (ADL-IADL) scale, the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), the Mini-Cog test, the 4 A's test (4AT), and the Abbreviated Mental Test Score (AMTS). Among the 420 recruited older inpatients, 228 (54.3%) were female. Results: The mean age of participants was 71.39 years (standard deviation ±7.95), with 30.7% diagnosed with major neurocognitive disorder (dementia). The likelihood of dementia exhibited statistically significant correlations with gender, age, number of children, and occupation. Conclusions: Screening older individuals for cognitive impairment upon hospital admission holds the potential to prevent adverse outcomes and enhance the quality of treatment for patients concurrently dealing with dementia.

RESUMO A demência representa um grande desafio social e de saúde no século 21, com muitos pacientes hospitalizados sofrendo de demência sem um diagnóstico documentado. Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência de demência e seus fatores de risco associados entre pacientes idosos hospitalizados. Métodos: O estudo incluiu pacientes idosos (≥ 60 anos) internados em um hospital geral em três grandes cidades iranianas. Os pesquisadores utilizaram a escala de Atividades da Vida Diária-Atividades Instrumentais da Vida Diária (Activities of Daily Living-Instrumental Activities of Daily Living - ADL-IADL), a Escala de Depressão Geriátrica, o teste Mini-Cog, o teste dos 4 As (4AT) e o Pontuação do Teste Mental Abreviado (Abbreviated Mental Test Score - AMTS). Dos 420 idosos selecionados, 228 (54,3%) eram do sexo feminino. Resultados: A média de idade dos participantes foi de 71,39 anos (desvio padrão ±7,95), sendo 30,7% diagnosticados com transtorno neurocognitivo maior (demência). A probabilidade de demência apresentou correlações estatisticamente significativas com sexo, idade, número de filhos e ocupação. Conclusões: A triagem de idosos para comprometimento cognitivo na admissão hospitalar tem o potencial de prevenir resultados adversos e melhorar a qualidade do tratamento para pacientes que lidam simultaneamente com demência.

Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol. (Online) ; 27: e230173, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550771


Resumo Objetivo Desenvolver e realizar a validação de conteúdo de um instrumento de autoavaliação da qualidade do cuidado em Instituições de Longa Permanência para Idosos (ILPI), denominado QualificaILPI. Método Estudo metodológico realizado entre março e dezembro de 2021. O instrumento foi desenvolvido com base em modelo multidimensional de qualidade, legislação brasileira e pesquisa bibliográfica e contém padrões de qualidade para autoavaliação das ILPI nas dimensões: ambiente, lar, cuidado, envolvimento familiar e da comunidade, equipe de trabalho e gestão. Cada padrão é descrito e seguido por uma escala, com parâmetros para classificar o nível de qualidade da ILPI em incipiente, intermediário, consolidado. A Técnica Delphi modificada foi empregada para validação por um comitê de 10 especialistas quanto a pertinência do padrão para avaliação da qualidade da ILPI, da adequação dos objetivos e da escala de avaliação, clareza, podendo fazer comentários. O padrão foi mantido quando houve 75% de concordância entre os especialistas. O instrumento foi também avaliado pelo público-alvo, constituído por coordenadores de 10 ILPI, selecionadas por conveniência. Resultados No primeiro ciclo de avaliação, foram excluídos três padrões e dois novos foram criados. No segundo, alterou-se a dimensão de um padrão e dois padrões foram unidos. Ao final, permaneceram 29 padrões divididos em seis dimensões. O público-alvo, gestores de ILPI, sugeriu alterações na redação de alguns padrões. Houve consenso de 80% ou superior em todos os padrões. Conclusão O QualificaILPI poderá contribuir para o monitoramento das ILPI favorecendo a melhoria do cuidado ofertado aos residentes.

Abstract Objective To develop and validate the content of a self-assessment instrument for the quality of care in Long-Term Care Facilities for Older Adults (Instituições de Longa Permanência para Idosos - ILPIs), named QualificaILPI. Method A methodological study conducted between March and December 2021. The instrument was developed based on a multidimensional quality model, Brazilian legislation, and literature research. It contains quality standards for self-assessment of ILPIs in the dimensions of environment, home, care, family and community involvement, work team, and management. Each standard is described and followed by a scale with parameters to classify the level of ILPI quality as incipient, intermediate, or consolidated. The modified Delphi Technique was employed for validation by a committee of 10 experts regarding the relevance of the standard for ILPI quality assessment, the appropriateness of objectives, the evaluation scale, and clarity, allowing for comments. The standard was retained when there was 75% agreement among the experts. The instrument was also evaluated by the target audience, consisting of coordinators from 10 ILPIs selected for convenience. Results In the first assessment cycle, three standards were excluded, and two new ones were created. In the second cycle, the dimension of one standard was changed, and two standards were combined. In the end, 29 standards remained, divided into six dimensions. The target audience, ILPI managers, suggested changes in the wording of some standards. There was a consensus of 80% or higher for all standards. Conclusion QualificaILPI has the potential to contribute to monitoring ILPIs, promoting the improvement of care offered to residents.

Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol. (Online) ; 27: e230204, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550772


Resumo Objetivo analisar a tendência de mortalidade por causas externas em pessoas idosas no Brasil no intervalo temporal entre os anos 2000 e 2022 e identificar o perfil sociodemográfico de mortalidade. Método estudo ecológico de série temporal utilizando dados secundários, envolvendo a mortalidade em pessoas idosas por causas externas no Brasil, no período de 2000 a 2022. Os dados foram coletados a partir das bases de dados do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde, das estimativas da população residente e de dados populacionais censitários disponibilizados pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. A frequência absoluta e relativa dos dados foi analisada a partir do software Excel 2010. As análises das tendências das taxas de mortalidade e regressão linear segmentada foram realizadas por meio do Joinpoint, com significância estatística avaliada por meio do teste de Monte Carl Resultados No período investigado, foram identificados 572.608 óbitos por causas externas em pessoas idosas com 60 anos ou mais. Em relação ao comportamento da mortalidade por causas externas em pessoas idosas, observou-se tendência de aumento nas taxas de mortalidade na maior parte do período estudado (2000 a 2013) com uma variação percentual anual (VPA: 1,86; IC95%: 1,5-2,2). Conclusão os resultados indicam uma tendência de crescimento da mortalidade de pessoas idosas por causas externas, refletindo a necessidade de priorização de políticas públicas que intervenham sobre esse evento.

Abstract Objective To analyze the trend of mortality due to external causes in older adults in Brazil within the temporal interval spanning from 2000 to 2022 and to identify the sociodemographic profile of mortality. Method Ecological time-series study utilizing secondary data, encompassing mortality in older adults due to external causes in Brazil, spanning the period from 2000 to 2022. The data were collected from the databases of the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System, population estimates, and census population data provided by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The absolute and relative frequency of the data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2010 software. The analysis of trends in mortality rates and segmented linear regression was conducted using Joinpoint, with statistical significance assessed through the Monte Carlo test. Results During the investigated period, 572,608 deaths due to external causes were identified in individuals aged 60 years or older. Regarding the mortality pattern due to external causes in older adults, an increasing trend in mortality rates was observed for the majority of the studied period (2000 to 2013) with an annual percent change (APC) of 1.86 (95% CI: 1.5-2.2). Conclusion The results indicate a growing trend in mortality among older individuals due to external causes, highlighting the need for prioritizing public policies that address this issue.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550820


A fim de conhecer o tempo e a frequência com que idosos se expõem a notícias e informações sobre a COVID-19 por diferentes mídias e relacioná-los com sintomas depressivos e de ansiedade, 154 idosos (M = 69,06) do Distrito Federal responderam a um questionário online. A amostra foi composta majoritariamente por mulheres, brancas, escolarizadas e com renda proveniente de aposentadoria e/ou pensão. Constatou-se que a televisão foi o meio de comunicação mais utilizado pelos participantes, seguido pelas redes sociais. Ao considerar características demográficas, idosos mais jovens (60 a 74 anos) e com ensino superior completo apresentaram maior exposição a notícias por meio das redes sociais do que os mais velhos e com menor escolaridade. Idosos com rastreio para depressão e transtorno de ansiedade generalizada permaneceram mais horas expostos a informações sobre a COVID-19 veiculadas pela televisão que idosos não rastreados. Além disso, aqueles com rastreio para depressão relataram maior frequência de exposição a esse conteúdo pela televisão e pelas redes sociais. Os resultados deste estudo revelam a necessidade de planejamento de medidas de promoção e prevenção em saúde específicas para a população idosa a fim de lidar com as consequências da pandemia e, especialmente, infodemia de COVID-19.

Para conocer el tiempo y la frecuencia con que los ancianos están expuestos a noticias e informaciones sobre el COVID-19 por diferentes medios de comunicación y relacionarlos con los síntomas depresivos y de ansiedad, 154 ancianos (m = 69,06) del Distrito Federal respondieron a un cuestionario online. La muestra estaba compuesta mayoritariamente por mujeres, de raza blanca, con estudios y con ingresos por jubilación y/o pensión. Se comprobó que la televisión era el medio de comunicación más utilizado por los participantes, seguido de las redes sociales. Teniendo en cuenta las características demográficas, los más jóvenes (60 a 74 años) y con estudios superiores completos presentan una mayor exposición a las noticias a través de las redes sociales que los más mayores y con menor escolaridad. Los ancianos con cribado de depresión y trastorno de ansiedad generalizada permanecieron más horas expuestos a la información sobre COVID-19 emitida por televisión que los ancianos no cribados. Además, los que se sometieron a pruebas de detección de la depresión informaron de una mayor frecuencia de exposición a este contenido por parte de la televisión y los medios sociales. Los resultados de este estudio revelan la necesidad de planificar medidas de promoción de la salud y de prevención específicas para la población de edad avanzada con el fin de hacer frente a las consecuencias de la pandemia y, especialmente, de la infodemia de COVID-19.

In order to know the time and frequency with which elderly are exposed to news and information about COVID-19 through different media and relate them with depressive and anxiety symptoms, 154 elderly (M = 69.06) from Distrito Federal answered an online questionnaire. The sample was composed mostly of women, white, educated, and with income from retirement and/or pension. It was found that television was the media most used by participants, followed by social networks. Considering demographic characteristics, younger elders (60 to 74 years old) and with complete college education had more exposure to news through social networks than the older ones and with less education. Elderly with screening for depression and generalized anxiety disorder remained exposed more hours to information about COVID-19 broadcast on television than unscreened elderly. In addition, those with screening for depression reported greater frequency of exposure to this content on television and social media. The results of this study reveal the need for health promotion and prevention measures planning specific to the elderly population to deal with the consequences of the pandemic and especially infodemic of COVID-19.

São Paulo med. j ; 142(2): e2022609, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551072


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Although studies have examined the relationship between variables associated with active aging and quality of life (QoL), no studies have been identified to have investigated the effect of a structural model of active aging on QoL in a representative sample of older people in the community. OBJECTIVE: To measure the domains and facets of QoL in older people and identify the effect of the structural model of active aging on the self-assessment of QoL. DESIGN AND SETTING: This cross-sectional analytical study included 957 older people living in urban areas. Data were collected from households using validated instruments between March and June 2018. Descriptive, confirmatory factor, and structural equation modeling analyses were performed. RESULTS: Most older people self-rated their QoL as good (58.7%), and the highest mean scores were for the social relationships domain (70.12 ± 15.4) and the death and dying facet (75.43 ± 26.7). In contrast, the lowest mean scores were for the physical domains (64.41 ± 17.1) and social participation (67.20 ± 16.2) facets. It was found that active aging explained 50% of the variation in self-assessed QoL and directly and positively affected this outcome (λ = 0.70; P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Active aging had a direct and positive effect on the self-assessment of QoL, indicating that the more individuals actively aged, the better the self-assessment of QoL.

Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 32: e4116, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1550981


Objective: to map scientific knowledge on nursing students' attitudes and perceptions regarding ageism. Method: scoping review according to the recommendations of the Joanna Briggs Institute. The study question was: What are scientific evidence available on the attitudes and perceptions of nursing students regarding ageism? The search was conducted in 12 databases using the Rayyan application and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews. The studies were selected by two reviewers using a data extraction tool. Results: of the 4,595 files, 46 that were published between 1984 and 2022 were selected, and the quantitative method was the most used. The most commonly used instrument was the Kogan's Attitudes Toward Old People Scale. Positive, negative, mixed, neutral, and inconclusive attitudes and perceptions were identified. Conclusion: attitudes and perceptions about ageism are diverse and not conclusive. Future intervention studies are recommended to detect changes in the behavior of nursing students in the face of ageism.

Objetivo: mapear el conocimiento científico sobre las actitudes y percepciones de los estudiantes de enfermería respecto al edadismo. Método: La pregunta del estudio fue: ¿Qué evidencia científica está disponible sobre las actitudes y percepciones de los estudiantes de enfermería respecto al edadismo? La búsqueda se realizó en 12 bases de datos utilizando la aplicación Rayyan y la Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews . Los estudios fueron seleccionados por dos revisores mediante una herramienta de extracción de datos. Resultados: de los 4.595 artículos, se seleccionaron 46 publicados entre 1984 y 2022, siendo el método cuantitativo el más utilizado. La herramienta más utilizada fue el Kogan's Attitudes Toward Old People Scale . Se identificaron actitudes y percepciones positivas, negativas, mixtas, neutras y no concluyentes. Conclusión: las actitudes y percepciones sobre la discriminación por edad son diversas y no concluyentes. Se recomiendan futuros estudios de intervención para detectar cambios en el comportamiento de los estudiantes de enfermería ante el edadismo.

Objetivo: mapear o conhecimento científico sobre as atitudes e percepções dos estudantes de enfermagem em relação ao idadismo. Método: revisão de escopo segundo as recomendações do Joanna Briggs Institute . A pergunta de estudo foi: Quais são as evidências científicas disponíveis sobre as atitudes e percepções dos estudantes de enfermagem no que diz respeito ao idadismo? A busca foi realizada em 12 bases de dados utilizando o aplicativo Rayyan e o Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews . Realizou-se a seleção dos estudos por dois revisores, com uso de um instrumento para a extração dos dados. Resultados: dos 4.595 arquivos, selecionaram-se 46 publicados entre 1984 e 2022, sendo que a maioria utilizou o método quantitativo. O instrumento mais utilizado foi o Kogan's Attitudes Toward Old People Scale e os estudos mostraram que os estudantes apresentaram atitudes e percepções positivas, negativas, mistas, neutras e não conclusivas. Conclusão: as atitudes e percepções sobre idadismo são diversificadas e não conclusivas. Recomenda-se estudos futuros de intervenção para detecção de mudanças de comportamento dos estudantes de enfermagem frente ao idadismo.

Humans , Aged , Perception , Students, Nursing , Attitude , Ageism
São Paulo med. j ; 142(1): e2022666, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450510


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The epidemiology of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) in critical care units remains limited, especially in terms of the factors associated with their use. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the incidence and factors associated with PIMs use in intensive care units. DESIGN AND SETTING: Historical cohort study was conducted in a high-complexity hospital in Brazil. METHODS: A retrospective chart review was conducted on 314 patients aged ≥ 60 years who were admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) at a high-complexity hospital in Brazil. The dates were extracted from a "Patient Safety Project" database. A Chi-square test, Student's t-test, and multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed to assess which factors were associated with PIMs. The statistical significance was set at 5%. RESULTS: According to Beers' criteria, 12.8% of the identified drugs were considered inappropriate for the elderly population. The incidence rate of PIMs use was 45.8%. The most frequently used PIMs were metoclopramide, insulin, antipsychotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and benzodiazepines. Factors associated with PIMs use were the number of medications (odds ratio [OR] = 1.17), length of hospital stay (OR = 1.07), and excessive potential drug interactions (OR = 2.43). CONCLUSIONS: Approximately half of the older adults in ICUs received PIM. Patients taking PIMs had a longer length of stay in the ICU, higher numbers of medications, and higher numbers of potential drug interactions. In ICUs, the use of explicit methods combined with clinical judgment can contribute to the safety and quality of medication prescriptions.

São Paulo med. j ; 142(1): e2022445, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450513


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: With the increase in the older adult population, it is essential to identify the living and health conditions that can impact the quality of life of these individuals. OBJECTIVES: To identify the domains and factors associated with the quality of life of older adults under the Family Health Strategy program. DESIGN AND SETTING: This was a cross-sectional analytical study was conducted in the municipality of Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil. METHODS: We assessed 449 older adults enrolled in the Family Health Strategy program. Data were collected between April and July, 2018. World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQOL-OLD) was used to assess the quality of life (QoL) and multiple linear regression was used to estimate the factors associated with QoL. RESULTS: The QoL domain with the highest score was death and dying (mean = 70.4), and the lowest score was for sensory functions (mean = 61.0 points). The factors associated with QoL were single marital status (β = -4.55; P = 0.014), level of independence for daily living activities (β = 4.92; P < 0.001), self-assessment of regular health (β = 5.35; P < 0.001), and poor health (β = -8.67; P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The death and dying domain of QoL presented the highest score. Marital status, impairment in daily activities, and health self-assessment were associated with QoL.

São Paulo med. j ; 142(2): e2022662, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450515


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: A bibliometric analysis covering only the production of original studies or considering world production until 2022 has yet to be conducted. The creation and advancement of vaccines have also influenced research priorities, demonstrating the need for a new approach to this subject. OBJECTIVES: To analyze worldwide scientific production related to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the aged and to describe what has already been produced. DESIGN AND SETTING: Bibliometric analysis with a quantitative approach. METHOD: The search terms "COVID-19," "SARS-CoV-2," "Aged," and "Elderly" were used to retrieve articles from the Web of Science database. A total of 684 articles were included in the analysis. Data were imported into RStudio Desktop Software and linked to R Software. The Bibliometrix R package and VOSviewer software were used for analysis. RESULTS: Most articles were published in 2020. These were produced by 4,937 authors and published in 379 journals. The keyword most used by the authors was "COVID-19." Publications from 77 countries were obtained. China had the highest article production ranking, and Spain collaborated the most. The articles addressed the implications of the pandemic on the aged, the relationship between vaccination in the aged, and the implications for the disease itself. CONCLUSION: Further research should be conducted, mainly concerning vaccines and vaccination of the aged, owing to the need for and importance of immunization in this risk group, including assessing the long-term effects of vaccines.

São Paulo med. j ; 142(2): e2022217, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450519


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: We aimed to develop and validate a practical instrument to assess older adults' satisfaction with their social participation (SP). DESIGN AND SETTING: This methodological validation study was conducted at a public higher education institution. METHODS: A two-phase study was designed, developed, and validated to assess older adults' satisfaction with their SP. In the first phase, we conceptualized SP and developed an "instrument to assess older adults' satisfaction with their SP (IAPSI)," as approved by a committee of specialists, pre-tested, and partially validated. Second, we determined the IAPSI's reproducibility using Cronbach's alpha to measure internal consistency, Pearson's and Spearman's coefficients to measure correlations, the Bland-Altman plot and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) to measure reproducibility. We also generated a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. RESULTS: 102 older adults (mean age, 87.29) participated in the first phase. Moderate internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha 0.7) and significant moderate correlations with quality of life by World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL)-bref and by WHOQOL-old social domains (Pearson's coefficients 0.54 and 0.64, respectively; P < 0.001) were found. The ROC curve indicated an IAPSI score of 17 as the threshold for the impact of pain on satisfaction with SP (83.3% sensitivity and 88.9% specificity, P < 0.001). In the second phase, 56 older adults (between 81 and 90 years old) participated. We found adequate intra- and inter-observer reproducibility for the IAPSI (ICC 0.96 and 0.78, respectively). CONCLUSION: We have developed a practical instrument with appropriate psychometric properties to assess older adults' satisfaction with their SP.

Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 37: eAPE02211, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1527573


Resumo Objetivo Propor um diagrama de prevenção de quedas para pessoas idosas, baseado no Modelo de Promoção da Saúde de Nola Pender. Métodos A construção do diagrama foi embasada no modelo de Nola Pender e em seus elementos. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo de revisão integrativa, com o objetivo de coletar dados sobre características e experiências individuais, sentimentos e conhecimentos e adoção de comportamento saudável para prevenção de quedas. Após a coleta dessas informações, realizou-se análise de similitude dos estudos selecionados por meio do IRaMuTeQ. Os elementos obtidos da análise de similitude facilitaram o agrupamento dos estudos quanto aos elementos encontrados e, assim, proporcionaram a organização do diagrama de prevenção de quedas. Resultados A amostra final foi constituída de 54 artigos, divididos de acordo com os elementos do modelo de Nola Pender: 36 abordavam características e experiências individuais, 40 sentimentos e conhecimentos, e 20 eram referentes ao comportamento. Os elementos obtidos da análise de similitude geraram um leque semântico de palavras mais frequentes: queda, prevenção, mulher e medo. Já as palavras menos frequentes foram cognição, autoeficácia, transporte e planejamento, os quais contribuíram para a construção do diagrama. Conclusão A partir da revisão, elaborou-se um diagrama, que favoreceu a identificação dos fatores pessoais, barreiras e facilidades, para um comportamento desejável à prevenção de quedas.

Resumen Objetivo Proponer un diagrama de prevención de caídas para personas mayores, basado en el modelo de promoción de la salud de Nola Pender. Métodos La elaboración del diagrama se basó en el modelo de Nola Pender y sus elementos. Para tal fin, se realizó un estudio de revisión integradora con el objetivo de recopilar datos sobre características y experiencias individuales, sentimientos y conocimientos y adopción de un comportamiento saludable para la prevención de caídas. Después de recopilar la información, se realizó un análisis de similitud de los estudios seleccionados mediante IRaMuTeQ. Los elementos obtenidos del análisis de similitud permitieron agrupar los estudios respecto a los elementos encontrados y, de esta forma, proporcionaron la organización del diagrama de prevención de caídas. Resultados La muestra final estuvo compuesta por 54 artículos, divididos de acuerdo con los elementos del modelo de Nola Pender: 36 abordaban características y experiencias individuales, 40 sentimientos y conocimientos y 20 eran sobre el comportamiento. Los elementos obtenidos del análisis de similitud generaron un conjunto semántico de palabras más frecuentes: caída, prevención, mujer y miedo. Por otro lado, las palabras menos frecuentes fueron: cognición, autoeficacia, transporte y planificación, que contribuyeron para la elaboración del diagrama. Conclusión A partir de la revisión, se elaboró un diagrama que favoreció la identificación de los factores personales, barreras y facilidades para un comportamiento conveniente en la prevención de caídas.

Abstract Objective To propose a fall prevention diagram for older adults, based on Nola Pender's Health Promotion Model. Methods Diagram construction was based on Nola Pender's model and its elements. For this, an integrative review study was carried out with the objective of collecting data on individual characteristics and experiences, behavior-specific cognitions and affect and behavioral outcome for fall prevention. After collecting this information, a similarity analysis of the selected studies was carried out using IRaMuTeQ. The elements obtained from similarity analysis facilitated the grouping of studies regarding the elements found and thus provided fall prevention diagram organization. Results The final sample consisted of 54 articles, divided according to the elements of Nola Pender's model: 36 addressed individual characteristics and experiences, 40 referred to behavior-specific cognitions and affect, and 20 referred to behavioral outcome. The elements obtained from the similarity analysis generated a semantic range of the most frequent words: fall, prevention, woman and fear. The least frequent words were cognition, self-efficacy, transportation and planning, which contributed to diagram construction. Conclusion From the review, a diagram was prepared, which favored identifying personal factors, barriers and facilities for a desirable behavior to prevent falls.

Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Accidental Falls/prevention & control , Aged , Incidence , Accident Prevention , Health Promotion
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 37: eAPE002381, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1527575


Resumo Objetivo Analisar a prevalência e os fatores associados à hospitalização de idosos com COVID-19 no estado do Paraná, PR, Brasil. Métodos Estudo transversal vinculado à coorte "Acompanhamento Longitudinal de adultos e idosos que receberam alta da internação hospitalar por COVID-19", realizado por meio de informações contidas nas fichas de notificação compulsória do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação. As análises foram realizadas através de frequências relativas e absolutas, com aplicação do teste de qui-quadrado adotado no modelo de regressão logística. A população do estudo englobou pessoas residentes no Estado do Paraná com idade de 60 anos ou mais, hospitalizadas por COVID-19 no período de março de 2020 a setembro de 2021. Resultados Foi identificada maior prevalência de hospitalização entre idosos com escolaridade igual ou maior a oito anos. Indivíduos não vacinados contra COVID-19 apresentaram maior chance de internação. O sexo masculino apresentou mais chance de admissão em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva em comparação com o sexo feminino. Doenças cardiovasculares, pneumopatia e obesidade aumentaram a prevalência da forma grave da doença. Conclusão Fatores tais como escolaridade e não adesão à vacinação contra COVID-19 podem aumentar o risco de hospitalização pela doença. Pessoas idosas do sexo masculino apresentam maior chance de hospitalização na UTI se comparadas às do sexo feminino; além disso, a não utilização de antivirais pode contribuir para o agravamento do estado de saúde.

Resumen Objetivo Analizar la prevalencia y los factores asociados a la hospitalización de personas mayores por COVID-19 en el estado de Paraná. Métodos Estudio transversal vinculado a la cohorte "Seguimiento longitudinal de adultos y personas mayores que recibieron alta de internación hospitalaria por COVID-19", realizado mediante información contenida en las fichas de notificación obligatoria del Sistema de Información de Agravios de Notificación. Los análisis fueron realizados a través de frecuencias relativas y absolutas, con aplicación de la prueba ji cuadrado adoptada en el modelo de regresión logística. La población del estudio incluyó personas residentes del estado de Paraná, de 60 años o más, hospitalizadas por COVID-19 en el período de marzo de 2020 a septiembre de 2021. Resultados Se identificó mayor prevalencia de hospitalización en personas mayores con escolaridad igual o mayor a ocho años. Individuos no vacunados contra COVID-19 presentaron mayor probabilidad de internación. El sexo masculino presentó más probabilidad de admisión en Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos en comparación con el sexo femenino. Enfermedades cardiovasculares, neumopatía y obesidad aumentaron la prevalencia de la forma grave de la enfermedad. Conclusión Factores tales como escolaridad y no adhesión a la vacunación contra COVID-19 pueden aumentar el riesgo de hospitalización por la enfermedad. Personas mayores de sexo masculino presentaron mayor probabilidad de hospitalización en la UCI al compararlas con las de sexo femenino. Además, la no utilización de antivirales puede contribuir al agravamiento del estado de salud.

Abstract Objective To analyze the prevalence and factors associated with hospitalization of elderly people with COVID-19 in the State of Paraná, PR, Brazil. Methods A cross-sectional study linked to the cohort "Longitudinal Monitoring of adults and elderly people who were discharged from hospital admission due to COVID-19", was carried out using information contained in the compulsory notification forms of the Notifiable Diseases Information System. Analyzes were carried out using relative and absolute frequencies, applying the chi-square test adopted in the logistic regression model. The study population included people aged 60 years or over and residing in the State of Paraná, who were hospitalized for COVID-19 from March 2020 to September 2021. Results A higher hospitalization prevalence was identified among elderly people with eight years of education or more. Individuals not vaccinated against COVID-19 had a greater chance of hospitalization. Males had a greater chance of admission to the Intensive Care Unit compared to females. Cardiovascular diseases, lung disease, and obesity have increased the prevalence of the severe form of the disease. Conclusion Factors such as education and non-adherence to vaccination against COVID-19 can increase the risk of hospitalization due to the disease. Elderly people of the male sex have a greater chance of hospitalization in the ICU compared to the female sex. Furthermore, not using antivirals can contribute to worsening health status.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aged , COVID-19 , COVID-19/prevention & control , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cohort Studies
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533695


Introducción: La gestión del cuidado de enfermería en personas mayores es todo un desafío en la actualidad para la profesión y más aún desde un enfoque andragógico. Objetivo: Exponer la fundamentación de los antecedentes de la andragogía en el proceso de gestión del cuidado de personas mayores por profesionales de enfermería. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión con el método de análisis bibliográfico a través de una búsqueda realizada entre los años 2010 al 2022, donde se consultaron bases de datos especializadas y se seleccionaron 33 publicaciones científicas sobre el tema. Resultados: El cuidado de personas mayores requiere una mirada transdisciplinaria y profesionales comprometidos con su cuidado. El profesional de enfermería responsable de la gestión debe considerar valores, actitudes y conocimientos de la disciplina que brindan una visión distinta y específica de la gestión de los cuidados. El avance científico ha permitido el incremento de la expectativa de vida de las personas, produciéndose un aumento significativo de personas mayores en el mundo manteniendo un adecuado cuidado como eslabón importante. La andragogía se encarga de la educación entre, para y por adultos y la asume como su objeto de estudio y realización, vista o concebida esta, como autoeducación, por lo cual, cobra importancia en los cuidados, pues interpreta el hecho educativo como un hecho andragógico, donde la educación y los cuidados se realizan como autoeducación. Conclusiones: Resulta importante la ejecución de investigaciones que beneficien el desarrollo del profesional de enfermería, para ayudar a disminuir las brechas que constan en la formación investigativa de estos profesionales y en las estructuras organizativas en las que estos se incorporan, dado en el proceso de gestión del cuidado de personas mayores desde un enfoque andragógico como mecanismo esencial.

Introduction: The management of nursing care in older people is a challenge for the profession today and even more so from an andragogical approach. Objective: To present the foundation of the background of andragogy in the process of managing the care of elderly people by nursing professionals. Methods: A review was carried out using the bibliographic analysis method through a search carried out between the years 2010 to 2022, where specialized databases were consulted and 33 scientific publications on the topic were selected. Results: Caring for the elderly requires a transdisciplinary approach and professionals committed to their care. The nursing professional responsible for the management must consider values, attitudes and knowledge of the discipline that provide a different and specific vision of care management. Scientific advances have allowed an increase in people's life expectancy, producing a significant increase in the number of older people in the world, maintaining adequate care as an important link. Andragogy is responsible for education among, for and by adults and assumes it as its object of study and realization, seen or conceived, as self-education, which is why andragogy gains importance in care, since it interprets the educational fact as an andragogical fact, where education and care are carried out as self-education. Conclusions: It is important to carry out research that benefits the development of nursing professionals, to help reduce the gaps that exist in the research training of these professionals and in the organizational structures in which they are incorporated, given in the care management process of older people from an andragogical approach as an essential mechanism.

Dement. neuropsychol ; 18: e20230051, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534308


ABSTRACT. Frailty is defined as a recognizable state of increased vulnerability resulting from age-associated decline of function in various physiological systems, such that the ability to deal with acute or everyday stressors is compromised. Objective: The aim of the study was to characterize the sample of older adults with cognitive impairment, according to the frailty status indirectly assessed by family members, other clinical and sociodemographic variables; and to assess the overlap of clinical conditions evaluated in this sample with cognitive impairment. Methods: Data were extracted from the follow-up database of the Frailty in Brazilian Older Adults (FIBRA) study (2016-2017). The sample consisted of 130 elderly people with cognitive impairment assessed by the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). The scores for the Clinical Dementia Scale (CDR), Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia and Functional Activities Questionnaire were described. Frailty was indirectly measured through questions answered by family members about the five criteria that compose the frailty phenotype. Results: The sample consisted mostly of older women (n=91) with a mean age of 82.4 (SD=5.3) years, mean schooling of 3.3 years (SD=3.07), widowed (47.7%) and who lived with children and/or grandchildren (68%). More than half had multimorbidity (74.90%), 39.5% had depression symptoms suggestive of major depression, 57% had impaired functionality, 49.3% were frail, 37.6% pre-frail, and 13.10% robust. Conclusion: Among older adults with cognitive impairment, frailty and functional limitations are common.

RESUMO. A fragilidade é definida como um estado reconhecível de vulnerabilidade aumentada resultante do declínio da função associado à idade em vários sistemas fisiológicos, de modo que a capacidade de lidar com estressores agudos ou cotidianos fica comprometida. Objetivo: Caracterizar uma amostra de pessoas idosas com comprometimento cognitivo, segundo o estado de fragilidade, avaliado de forma indireta por familiares, assim como outras variáveis clínicas e sociodemográficas; e avaliar a sobreposição das condições clínicas avaliadas nesta amostra com o comprometimento cognitivo. Métodos: Os dados foram extraídos do banco de dados de acompanhamento do estudo Fragilidade em Idosos Brasileiros (FIBRA - 2016-2017). A amostra foi composta por 130 idosos com comprometimento cognitivo avaliado pelo Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM). Foram descritos os escores da Escala Clínica de Demência (CDR), da Escala Cornell de Depressão em Demência e do Questionário de Atividades Funcionais. A fragilidade foi mensurada indiretamente por meio de questões respondidas junto aos familiares sobre os cinco critérios que compõem o fenótipo de fragilidade. Resultados: A amostra foi composta em sua maioria por mulheres idosas (n=91) com idade média de 82,4 (DP=5,3) anos, escolaridade média de 3,3 anos (DP=3,07), viúvas (47,7%) e que viviam com filhos e/ou netos (68%). Mais da metade apresentava multimorbidade (74,90%), 39,5% apresentavam sintomas depressivos sugestivos de depressão maior, 57% tinham funcionalidade prejudicada, 49,3% eram frágeis, 37,6% pré-frágeis e 13,10% robustos. Conclusão: Entre idosos com alterações cognitivas, é comum a co-ocorrência de fragilidade e de limitações funcionais.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 70(2): e20230790, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535079


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of influenza immunization in elderly people in Brazil in 2019. METHODS: This is a population-based cross-sectional study. The Brazilian individuals (≥60 years) who participated in the 2019 National Health Survey were included. The survey was conducted in permanent households in Brazil from August 2019 to March 2020. The prevalences of influenza vaccination and their respective confidence intervals (95%CI) were estimated according to sociodemographic characteristics and the diagnosis of chronic diseases. RESULTS: The prevalence of influenza vaccination was 72.4% (95%CI 71.5-73.2), with statistically significant differences observed between genders (p=0.001), age groups (p=0.001), and those living with a spouse/partner (p=0.002). Significant differences were found in groups with arterial hypertension (75.2%, p<0.001), diabetes (77.2%, p<0.001), and arthritis or rheumatism (75.5%, p<0.001). CONCLUSION: A global prevalence of influenza vaccination of 72.4% was estimated among elderly people in Brazil.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 70(2): e20230924, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535094


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between upper limb kinetics and perceived fatigability in elderly individuals during an upper limb position sustained isometric task. METHODS: A total of 31 elderly participants, 16 men (72.94±4.49 years) and 15 women (72.27±6.05 years), performed a upper limb position sustained isometric task. Upper-limb acceleration was measured using an inertial measurement unit. Perceived fatigability was measured using the Borg CR10 scale. RESULTS: Higher mean acceleration in the x-axis throughout the activity was associated with higher final perceived fatigability scores. Moderate correlations were observed between perceived fatigability variation and mean acceleration cutoffs in all axes during the second half of the activity. In women, significant correlations were found between all perceived fatigability cutoffs and mean acceleration in the y- and x-axes. However, in men, the relationships between perceived fatigability variation and mean acceleration were more extensive and stronger. CONCLUSION: The acceleration pattern of the upper limb is linked to perceived fatigability scores and variation, with differences between sexes. Monitoring upper limb acceleration using a single inertial measurement unit can be a useful and straightforward method for identifying individuals who may be at risk of experiencing high perceived fatigability or task failure.

Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol. (Online) ; 27: e230089, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535596


Resumo Objetivo Investigar a aceitação e adequação de um programa de exercícios multicomponentes por videoconferência para longevos em Porto Alegre (RS), Brasil. Método Estudo Quase experimental. Os participantes realizaram o protocolo de exercícios multicomponentes ViviFrail® durante 12 semanas, com a aceitação e adequação avaliadas semanalmente por videoconferência. O questionário de aceitação e adequação foi baseado em uma escala Likert (de 0 a 4) de seis barreiras que os participantes enfrentam ao fazer exercício físico, com pontuação máxima de 24 pontos (aceitação máxima). Resultados A aceitação foi de 70%, com 14 participantes concluindo o protocolo (89,07±6,30 anos). A consistência interna, (alfa de Cronbach) para o questionário, foi de 70%, considerada moderada. Os participantes mostraram um aumento geral na aceitação dos 17,8±3,51 pontos iniciais, para 22,0±2,94 pontos no final. Quatro (28.6%) necessitaram de adequação no protocolo de exercício. Conclusão O programa de exercícios multicomponente ViviFrail®, com acompanhamento através de videoconferência, foi bem aceito e adequado, podendo ser uma importante ferramenta para a promoção da qualidade de vida, principalmente em longevos com dificuldade de sair de casa, tanto por problemas de mobilidade, quanto por ambientes sociais desfavoráveis (violência urbana e situações sanitárias). O questionário de aceitação e adequação, que necessitou ser criado, foi capaz de detectar barreiras do

Abstract Objective To investigate the acceptability and adequacy of a multicomponent exercise program via videoconferencing for the oldest-old in Porto Alegre, a city in southern Brazil. Method This is a quasi-experimental study. Fourteen participants were enrolled in the multicomponent exercise program Vivifrail® for 12 weeks, 5 days a week, with weekly video calls for assessment of acceptability and adequacy. The acceptability and adequacy questionnaire was based on 6 barriers that older adults face when engaging in physical exercise. Responses were measured using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 0 to 4 points, with a maximum score of 24 points (maximum acceptability). Results Fourteen participants (89.07±6.30 years) concluded the protocol, with an acceptability rate of 70%. Internal consistency was moderate, with a Cronbach's coefficient alpha of 0.7. Participants showed an overall increase in acceptability and adequacy (from 17.8±3.51 points in the first week to 22.0±2.94 in the 12th week). Four participants (28.6%) required some modification to the exercise protocol. Conclusion The Vivifrail® protocol, together with weekly follow-up via videoconferencing, was well accepted and adequate. It could be an important tool for promoting quality of life, especially in the oldest-old with difficulty leaving home. The acceptability questionnaire was able to detect exercise barriers and suggest possible modifications to the training program and could be presented as a suggestion for the evaluation of intervention protocols in the oldest-old population. Therefore, the Vivifrail® protocol, with weekly follow-up via videoconferencing, could be a new field of intervention for health professionals.